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On 24 March 2024, Law No. 31992, Law for the Promotion of Green Hydrogen (“Law”) came into force.
The Law promotes the use of green hydrogen, produced with low greenhouse gas emission technologies, as a fuel and energy vector. It declares these activities to be of national interest. Regulations for the Law’s application will be published within 180 days from its entry into force.

The Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations has opened a new call to participate in the certification process “Safe company, free of violence and discrimination against women”.
This certification recognizes companies with the best practices in terms of gender equality in employment and grants them benefits in transactions with the state.
Companies have until 30 April 2024 to register and participate in this new edition of the certification process.

On 28 May 2023, Legislative Decree No. 1570, which approves the Law of Integral Management of Chemical Substances, was published, with the aim of protecting human health and the environment from the hazards and risks associated with the use of hazardous chemical substances. The law will become effective as of the day following the publication of its regulations, which must be approved by MINAM within a period of no more than one year.

Last 30 May, Supreme Decree No. 006-2023-MINAM was published, whose Fourth Final Complementary Provision establishes that the Single Procedure of the Environmental Certification Process is suspended until 1 January 2025, for all stages, requirements, deadlines and other aspects related to the environmental certification process in charge of SENACE.