The new fifth edition of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Handbook is a comprehensive guide for attorneys, at every level, who represent businesses doing international work. With its comprehensive analysis of potential FCPA liabilities and sound practical suggestions as to how to deal with them, this book is a very valuable asset for both unseasoned and seasoned FCPA practitioners.
Now, completely updated and revised for 2018, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Handbook, Fifth Edition offers over 50 new FCPA resolutions, including coverage of Brazil, Canada, China, India, Russia, and UK statutes. You’ll also find information on anti-bribery conventions; board of directors and management responsibilities; transaction issues and considerations; gifts, travel, lodging and entertainment; charitable donations and political contributions; and conducting and defending an FCPA Investigation. The book identifies all major FCPA risk areas and then presents thoughtful and practical advice for how companies can most effectively address these risks and conduct credible investigations.
Following this link to pre-order your copy of the handbook.
And click here to read the first chapter of the handbook for free.