Part 1: How to Claim Preferential Tariff Treatment
Baker McKenzie experts from Canada, US and Mexico deliver a 75-minute session to understand the impact of the agreement from a customs perspective in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists discuss the agreement’s most pressing issues in the customs landscape, including changes in rules of origin, documentation requirements, advance rulings and verification procedures.
Part 2: How to Claim Preferential Tariff Treatment
Baker McKenzie experts from Canada, US and Mexico deliver a 60-minute session on a deeper dive into select key provisions of the United States-Canada-Mexico Agreement (USMCA), including changes to specific rules of origin in the automotive and textile sectors, chemicals and steel, among others. Speakers also cover practical impact of changes in the rules of origin and making sense of the USMCA in the context of other free trade agreements.
Part 3: Labor Rules & Trade Remedies
On this 60-minute webinar, Baker McKenzie experts from the United States, Mexico and Canada discuss how to prepare for enforcement under the Rapid Response Labor Mechanism (RRLM). The discussion covers how RRLM originated and how it will function, what it means for manufcturers in Mexico, and what sort of due diligence should be undertaken as we approach July 1 entry into force of the USMCA, among other topics.