In this series of short videos, experts in our market-leading Cross-Border Transactions and Integrations practice provide insight into a variety of practical and legal issues relevant to corporations pursuing cross-border M&A transactions, post-acquisition integrations, carve-outs and other complex domestic or international transactions.
Series I: US Domestic Considerations
In our first series of videos, our partners start with local issues, discussing US law matters that companies engaging in particular domestic transactions may face, leveraging lessons learned on recent engagements.
Episode 1: Deregistration of Out of State Entities
San Francisco partner Scott Meselson discusses the importance of not overlooking out-of-state deregistrations when planning for the liquidation of a subsidiary, and methods for ensuring that this important clean-up step is taken care of.
Episode 2: How to Dissolve a Delaware LLC
Chicago partner Christina Bullock provides a high level overview of some of the key steps to take for dissolving a Delaware limited liability company.
Episode 3: Delaware “Demergers”
Washington, DC partner Daniel De Deo discusses the Delaware “demerger” rules and highlights how this relatively new transaction structure can be used in both corporate restructurings and third-party deals.
Episode 4: Considerations in Cross-State Mergers
Houston partner Justin Whittenburg highlights potential pitfalls of cross-state mergers and strategies to avoid tripping into them.