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On 8 June 2021, the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products issued a press release announcing the results of Operation PANGEA XIV. The release said in part:

Authorities worldwide have been checking for criminal online sales of medicines in a coordinated operation: The week from 18 to 25 May saw a coordinated worldwide campaign against the illegal online trade in medicines. For years, this market has been dominated by erectile stimulants. Some 90% of the shipments confiscated by the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) and Swissmedic contained such products. Also seized were a number of other illegally imported prescription-only medicines that pose serious health risks.

Switzerland has for many years been participating in the PANGEA international week of action, which is coordinated by Interpol. This year, 55 countries took part actively. The aim of this operation, now conducted for the 14th time, was once again to combat illegal internet-based sales of medicinal products. In total, the international authorities scrutinised almost 120,000 websites and closed down 113,000 of them. Worldwide, some 9 million units of illegal and counterfeit medicinal products were seized.

In Switzerland, Swissmedic, the FCA and Antidoping Switzerland inspected 695 shipments at the Zurich-Mülligen postal sorting office. Half of them (346) were confiscated, as they contained illegal medicinal or doping products. Consignments from Ukraine, which often contained forgeries of the erectile stimulants Viagra and Cialis loomed large among them. Confiscated narcotics were reported to the cantonal authorities so that they could institute criminal proceedings.
