In brief
Since the reelection of the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, a year ago, Belarus has become subject to phased tightening of international sanctions restrictions.
In 2021, every wave of sanctions was caused by various “acts of aggression” connected with the current president of Belarus, including the forced landing of a Ryanair passenger plane in Minsk and the detention of a political activist who was onboard on 23 May 2021 (the so-called Ryanair incident).
Belarus-related sanctions restrictions were recently introduced by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland and Ukraine. The objective of newly introduced sanctions is to mount international pressure against the current oppressive regime in Belarus by preventing international companies from doing business in selected economic sectors of this country.
In this article, we discuss in more detail the sanctions restrictions recently introduced by the US, the EU, the UK, Canada, Switzerland and Ukraine with respect to Belarus.
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