In brief
An influx of high-profile whistleblowing cases have made headlines in recent years, and claims (and awards) are on the rise. At the same time, more defined and greater protections for whistleblowers are coming into play in the US, UK and European Union. It’s essential that multinational employers be aware of the whistleblower regulations proliferating across the globe and the notable differences between regimes.
In this quick Chat Video, our Labor and Employment lawyers provide an overview of the changing landscape of whistleblower protections in the US, UK and EU. Our global team is regularly advising multinationals on:
- How to create a “speak up” culture
- How to build compliant whistleblowing systems (including navigating data privacy protections)
- Best practices for management training
- Sensitive cross-border investigations
- How to draft and implement a global Code of Conduct
Speakers: Joseph Deng, Krissy Katzenstein and Julia Wilson.
With stakeholders pushing organizations to take their Inclusion and Diversity initiatives further, faster – culture and strategy are the focus for diversity leaders. However, many organizations are less far along the path than they hoped and continue to work on long-held priorities, including raising awareness of I&D and recruitment and retention of diverse talent.
The latest report in our global Mind the Gap series outlines how organizations can strengthen performance, manage risk and accelerate progress through their I&D programs.
Read our additional whistleblowing publications:
- New York – Expanded protection for whistleblowers
- United Kingdom – Disclosures, detriments, dismissals and a directive – whistleblowing decisions and developments in 2021
- European Whistleblowing Directive – The deadline for implementation expires tomorrow
- European Whistleblowing Directive – How prepared is your organization for the new whistleblowing regime
Subscribe to The Employer Report blog where Baker McKenzie lawyers provide legal updates and practical insights to help clients understand, prepare for and respond to the latest domestic and cross-border Labor and Employment issues affecting US and multinational employers. Past videos are linked in the blog sidebar for easy access to topics including guidelines for accommodating sincerely held religious beliefs, COVID-19 employment litigation trends, and much more.