New Five-Part Series
In brief
Baker McKenzie’s TMT Looking Ahead 2022 five-part series explores key themes, offers timely insights, and lays out recommendations for technology, media and telecommunication companies looking to navigate the latest industry developments. Topics covered include tech regulation and compliance, tech M&A, interactive entertainment, 5G and TMT as the driver of change.
Key Takeaways
Report 1: Tech Regulation and Compliance
The Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) industry drives the rapid pace and scope of digital transformation through new strategies and the development of innovative technologies, products and services that help to refine how we work, live and do business. As the pace of innovation accelerates, new regulatory and compliance questions and considerations will continue to arise.
Report 1 of the series explores how TMT companies can:
- manage heightened regulatory activity and continued scrutiny of the industry
- understand how regulators will shape new laws and share information on compliance and enforcement activities
- get ahead of the curve in protecting IP in key areas of innovation, including autonomous vehicles, virtual and augmented reality, blockchain and digital health navigate an increasingly complex regulatory enforcement environment following an increase in cyber attacks in 2021

Report 2: Tech Mergers & Acquisitions
Competitive TMT companies are using M&A, joint ventures and strategic alliances to access technology in order to create innovative solutions and services. Given deal volume, speed and complexity, companies need to manage risk and regulatory implications in order to achieve deal certainty as they reshape or grow their business, particularly with cross-border M&A and large-scale investments.
Report 2 of the series will help companies understand:
- what to expect for the M&A landscape
- how to protect valuable IP being acquired in tech deals
- how the shifting tax landscape will affect due diligence, deal structures and post-acquisition integration planning
- SPAC and de-SPAC transaction trajectory nuances and the impact of regulatory headwinds
- how to mitigate risks in relation to FIR regimes, particularly for foreign investment in key tech areas

Report 3: Interactive Entertainment and Metaverses
Emerging new interactive entertainment trends, technologies and metaverses are creating opportunities, but there is heightened regulatory scrutiny from several angles, including consumer protection, antitrust, data and more. As the race to buy into blockchain and own metaverses and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) heats up, companies will need to buy content, tools, tech and talent to succeed. On the transactional front, innovators are rolling up assets via SPACS or existing publicly listed entities to achieve competitive advantage.

You can download the existing reports in the series and find out more details about the upcoming reports here.