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In brief

In an article for Compliance & Risk Journal, Jon Tuck and David Yadid explore the latest global developments and compliance measures in the field of modern slavery.

Key takeaways

  • Modern slavery is an umbrella term for practices which share a common element of force or coercion.  The International Labour Organisation estimated that, globally, 40.3 million people were working in conditions which could be described as modern slavery in 2016.
  • As a result of the increasingly international reach of modern slavery legislation, many companies with global footprints are modifying their organization to ensure compliance across their business, for example by preparing modern slavery statements which tick off compliance requirements in several jurisdictions.
  • Legislative change is expected in the UK, Canada, and under the EU’s proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence directive. 
  • This article first appeared in volume 11, issue 5 of Compliance & Risk Journal 

Click here to access the full briefing.


Jonathan Tuck is a partner in the Baker McKenzie employment department. Jonathan joined the Firm in June 2012 and completed secondments at Google between March and July 2015 and British Airways between July 2015 and January 2016.


David Yadid is an Associate in Baker McKenzie, London office.


Rachel Farr is a Senior Knowledge Lawyer in Baker McKenzie, London office.