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In brief

After much anticipation since the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) entered into force, on 17 February 2023, the Ministry of Economy published in the Federal Official Gazette an administrative regulation that sets forth the goods, which importation of is subject to regulation by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (“Forced Labor Regulation“), which prohibits the importation of goods produced with forced labor.

In more detail

The Forced Labor Regulation, which will become effective on 18 May 2023, implements the obligation included in the USMCA to prohibit the importation of goods produced in whole or in part by forced or compulsory labor, including forced or compulsory child labor. The full text of the publication can be found here, and the relevant announcement made by the United States Trade Representative can be found here. This is a significant development that marks the Mexican government’s first step to implementing the forced labor import ban under the USMCA.

The Forced Labor Regulation provides that the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW) may initiate, ex officio or at the request of a private party, a procedure where it will determine if forced labor was used in the production of goods. To the extent MLSW, following its procedure, determines that certain goods were made with forced labor, such findings (called “resolutions”) will be published on MSLW’s website, pursuant to the Forced Labor Regulation, and goods covered by such resolutions will be prohibited from entering into Mexico. We expect further clarifications and guidance to be issued by the MLSW and the Ministry of Economy in the following weeks, which should assist Mexican importers to meet the relevant requirements.


Once the Forced Labor Regulation becomes effective on 18 May 2023, Mexican importers will need to maintain in their files information and documents that duly demonstrate that the goods they import are not covered by the lists on the MLSW website. This means companies should ensure proper implementation of robust and effective due diligence practices, including adopting adequate systems, controls and training in line with best practices; enhanced traceability and transparency in supply chains; and plans to meet regulator expectations. Mexico’s implementation of the Forced Labor Regulation may mirror certain aspects of similar, recent developments in the United States and/or Canada (see our previous blogs summarizing such developments herehere, and here). Companies are encouraged to take a holistic approach in their forced labor compliance programs within the USMCA region and coordinate relevant expertise within their organizations.


José has been a member of the Foreign Trade Practice Group since 2000. He is experienced in foreign trade and customs matters, free trade agreements (FTA), regulatory matters, consumer protection and export controls. He has contributed to several publications related to foreign trade and customs matters and is a professor of international trade law at the Universidad Panamericana.


Adriana has over twenty years of experience in customs and foreign trade matters. She joined Baker McKenzie in 2001, became National Partner in 2005 and a Principal in 2018. She has prior experience working as legal director of Rules of Origin, Customs Procedures and Safeguards in the Mexican Ministry of Economy where she participated in the negotiation of several free trade agreements (FTAs) and in the first dispute settlement resolution cases initiated by Mexico against the US under the NAFTA. Adriana has been ranked a leading practitioner by Chambers and Partners at Chambers Global and Chambers Latin America as well as Legal 500 for ten consecutive years. She was an associate in our Guadalajara and Washington, D.C. offices and currently Heads the Firm’s North America International Commercial Practice Group in Mexico City.


Eunkyung Kim Shin regularly advises multinational companies on complex international trade, regulatory compliance, customs and import law, and supply chain-related matters. She also counsels on cross-border compliance and commercial issues. Eunkyung has written on these topics for a number of publications, including WorldECR and Law360, and frequently speaks on these areas. She is a frequent contributor to Baker McKenzie's Sanctions & Export Controls UpdateGlobal Supply Chain Compliance, and Import and Trade Remedies blogs. Eunkyung has been recognized as a "Next Generation Partner" member of Baker McKenzie's international trade team by Legal 500. Legal 500 reported a client as stating that, Eunkyung is "outstanding in giving practical and effective advice." She began her legal career as an associate with Baker McKenzie, and has been with the firm since 2013.