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On November 28, 2015 President Putin signed Decree No. 583 “On Measures to Ensure State Security and Protection of Russian Citizens from Criminal and Other Unlawful Actions and on Application of Special Economic Measures in relation to the Republic of Turkey”. Decree 583 announces a number of temporary restrictive measures (although this period is not defined) in the sphere of Russian – Turkish economic relations, as follows:

  1. Introduces an import ban on certain Turkish-origin products (except the goods for personal use imported by individual travellers within the limits allowed by the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union), and prohibition for Turkish companies to perform certain work and services inside Russia – the list of banned products and that of restricted types of work and services are to be determined by the Government.
  2. Suspends visa free entry of Turkish citizens into Russia as of January 1, 2016.

  3. Prohibits Russian travel companies from selling travel tours to Turkey.

  4. Prohibits as of January 1, 2016 employment by Russian legal entities of Turkish nationals, unless already employed as of December 31, 2015, or unless the Russian employer is included in the special list to be adopted by the Russian Government.


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