The Government of New Zealand announced on December 8, 2015 that cartel conduct will not be criminalised under the proposed Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill (known as the Cartels Bill).
Anne Callinan
Browsing Anne Callinan is the head of the litigation department and a member of Simpson Grierson's board of management. She is an experienced commercial litigator. Anne specialises in competition and regulatory law. She regularly acts for clients who are being investigated by the Commerce Commission. For example, Anne has assisted clients with investigations and/or proceedings in relation to: vitamins; wood preservatives; paper; high voltage cables; compressors; air freight and air cargo. Anne is experienced in New Zealand leniency application and search warrant processes. She has also acted as counsel in investigations and criminal proceedings under the Fair Trading Act and Securities Act. Anne has worked closely with electricity sector and telecommunications clients in a range of High Court cases and Commerce Commission hearings