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Bruno Dominguez

Bruno Dominguez is the managing partner of Baker McKenzie's Barcelona office, head of the Tax practice in Barcelona and Chair of our Wealth Management Practice in EMEA region. Bruno has been coordinator of the Master of Laws in Taxation at the University of Barcelona, and associate professor at ESADE Business School. He has written several articles and regularly speaks at conferences and seminars on business restructuring, transfer pricing, wealth management and taxation of family businesses.

The Government of Spain has approved the creation and operating regulation of the Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Registry, by means of Royal Decree 609/2023 of 11 July 2023, which was published today in the Official State Gazette. This registry is configured as a central and public registry, through which information on ultimate beneficial ownership of Spanish legal entities and other entities or structures without legal personality can be generally accessed.

On 22 November 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union, sitting as the Grand Chamber, rendered a landmark decision on the validity of the Luxembourg provisions of the law of 13 January 2019, establishing the register of beneficial owners and implementing the EU anti-money laundering directives. According to the CJEU, the provision, whereby the information on the beneficial ownership of companies incorporated within the territory of the member states is accessible in all cases to any member of the general public, is invalid.

Tax Fraud Prevention Act 11/2021, was published on 10 July 2021. This act transposes Council Directive (EU) 2016/1164, dated 12 July 2016 (Laying Down Rules against Tax Avoidance Practices that Directly Affect the Functioning of the Internal Market), which amended various tax laws and gambling regulations. This new Act amends a vast number of regulations and affects almost every aspect of the Spanish tax system (both for companies and individuals, international taxation, indirect taxation, general tax rules…).

The tax challenges of the digital economy may catch historically non-digital companies by surprise as they “go digital.” Baker McKenzie’s Special Report, Digital Revolution: Transfer Pricing on the Global Tax Battlefield provides insight into digital technology trends non-digital businesses are incorporating and the key tax trends companies must actively navigate including industry sector case studies, transfer pricing considerations, multilateral and unilateral measures, transfer pricing audits and dispute resolution.

On 30 January 2021, Spain’s Official State Gazette published  Royal Decree 1/2021, which established certain amendments in Spain’s Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (El Plan General de Contabilidad or “PGC”), such as the GAAP for Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SMBs), the rules for preparing Consolidated Annual Financial Statements and the rules for adapting the GAAP to non-profit institutions

Today, the Digital Services Tax Act (“the new tax”) was published in Spain’s Official State Gazette and it will enter into force on 16 January 2021. Under this law, digital services for online advertising, online intermediation and data transfers will be subject to taxation in Spain as of 2021.

Companies want and need to take action to deal with the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, or to take measures to enable their operations to weather possible outbreaks or similar events in the future. Those actions have transfer pricing implications, and if companies have an Advance Pricing Arrangement (APA), or are…

The COVID-19 outbreak has led many countries to implement border controls as a temporary measure to curb infections, and many employers find their employees working from home or in locations outside the jurisdictions where employers typically operate or are located. International travel restrictions affect Boards of Directors and employees of…