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David Molina

David Molina is a Senior Associate in Baker McKenzie, Barcelona office.

The use of telemedicine in Spain has increased in recent years, and although there is currently no national regulation in this regard, it is possible to find sectoral provisions that provide guidance for its practice. In this sense, the companies that engage in telemedicine must take into account the legal implications that may affect them, such as data protection or the treatment of patient information.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published an artificial intelligence workplan to 2028, setting out new strategy on its use.
Taking into account the implications of AI in different areas of the healthcare sector, the EMA has focused its efforts on four dimensions that should contribute to improving the understanding and use of AI in a responsible way. The proposed workplan will be subject to future modifications as this technology evolves.

On 29 June 2023, the Spanish Data Protection Authority (AEPD) circular on commercial phone calls (formally called “Circular 1/2023, de 26 de junio, sobre la aplicación del artículo 66.1.b) de la Ley 11/2022, de 28 de junio, General de Telecomunicaciones”) was published in the BOE (official state gazette).

On 4 October 2022, the Council of the European Union definitively approved the Digital Services Act, maintaining unchanged the content proposed by the European Parliament. On 5 July 2022, the European Parliament also approved the articles of the Digital Market Act still pending a final vote in the Council. The Digital Market Act and the Digital Services Act regulate the legal status of providers of intermediary services (e.g., online platforms such as marketplaces, search engines, social networks, hosting services, etc.) and thus also affect other actors (users and businesses of all sizes) interacting through their services.