“Semplificazioni” Decree-bis (Law Decree No. 77 of 31 May 2021) was converted into Law No. 108 of 29 July 2021.Upon conversion into law, the text of the Decree was subject to further amendments and adjustments. The most significant changes regarding public contracts, environment, renewable energy, town planning and construction, and administrative procedures are set forth in this article.
To face the extraordinary emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the head of the Civil Protection Department issued Ordinances No. 630 of 3 February 2020 and No. 639 of 25 February 2020, introducing a discipline that overall derogates from the ordinary procurement discipline pursuant to the Italian Public Procurement Code (Leg. Decree No. 50/2016).
Subsequently, Law Decree No. 18/2020 of 23 March 2020 (“Cura Italia Decree”), converted into Law No. 27/2020 of 24 April 2020, setting out measures to strengthen the National Health Service and provide economic support for households, workers and firms in connection with the COVID-19 emergency, has introduced further extraordinary measures in the area of public procurement.