On 9 January 2025, the National Securities Commission issued General Resolution No. 1047/2025, establishing the regulatory framework applicable to the automatic public offering of securities under different modalities.
Baker McKenzie’s Global Financial Services Regulatory Guide has been fully revised for 2024 and covers 35+ jurisdictions worldwide, making it our most expansive edition to date. The Guide acts as a quick reference tool when distributing financial products and offering services into new markets, providing a comprehensive summary of regulations applicable to banks and other financial services companies around the world. This expanded edition includes the rapidly growing area of cryptoassets, AML and CFT supervisors, and the extension of regulation to critical third-party outsourcers. Given the pace of regulatory change in this domain, staying informed is critical for market participants. Baker McKenzie is exceptionally well-positioned to simplify the complexity and provide expert guidance.
On 29 August 2024, the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (BCRA, after its Spanish abbreviation) issued Communication “A” 8099, which sets forth the implementation of the foreign exchange benefits provided by the Incentives Regime for Major Investments (RIGI, after its Spanish abbreviation).
On 15 July 2024, the National Securities Commission (CNV) issued General Resolution No. 1009/2024 inviting the public to express their opinions and/or proposals regarding the adoption of a regulation on the private offering of marketable securities considering the text proposed by the CNV.
On 5 July 2024, the Argentine Central Bank issued Communication “A” 8059, introducing amendments applicable to the payment of interest on commercial and financial debt between related counterparties, to the extent that certain requirements set forth in the regulation are met.
On 15 May 2024, the National Securities Commission (CNV) issued General Resolution No. 1002/2024 (“Resolution”), modifying the regime applicable to promotion and advice within the framework of the public offering of securities.
On 25 March 2024, the National Securities Commission (CNV) issued General Resolution No. 994/2024, which regulates the Registry of Virtual Asset Service Providers in line with the provisions of Section 38 of the recently amended Law No. 25246 (“Law”). This Law had incorporated virtual asset service providers (VASPs) as AML/FT-regulated entities.
On 14 March, the amendments to the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (Law 27,739) were approved. They implement changes and updates to adjust local regulations to international standards and the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (GAFI).
Argentina is currently undergoing a GAFI/GAFILAT review and evaluation process. In that sense, Law 27,739 was promoted by the Financial Information Unit (UIF) to introduce more tools to combat organized crime, promote compliance with obligations of the private sector and address key aspects that emerged from the GAFI/GAFILAT mutual evaluation.
On 6 February 2024, the Argentine National Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional de Valores) issued General Resolution No. 990/2024 to modify the current restrictions on trading with marketable securities when using Bonds for the Reconstruction of a Free Argentina (BOPREAL).
On 8 January 2024, the Financial Information Unit (UIF for its Spanish abbreviation) issued Resolution No. 1/2023, establishing minimum requirements for the identification, evaluation, monitoring, management, and mitigation of money laundering and terrorist financing risks applicable to persons or legal entities that perform remittances within and outside Argentina. The Resolution is aligned with prior resolutions issued by the UIF for other regulated entities. Accordingly, the Resolution changes the approach from formal regulatory compliance to a risk-based approach.