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Liliana Hernandez-Salgado

Liliana Hernandez-Salgado is a partner in Baker McKenzie's Mexico City office. Named a Rising Star in The Legal 500 2019 review, she counsels clients on matters related to labor and employment law. Liliana has 12 years' experience in providing domestic and cross-border strategic consulting as well as advice on employment and compensation matters. She has vast knowledge in areas of employment law associated with corporate reorganizations and mergers and acquisitions.

Part 1: How to Claim Preferential Tariff Treatment Baker McKenzie experts from Canada, US and Mexico deliver a 75-minute session to understand the impact of the agreement from a customs perspective in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists discuss the agreement’s most pressing issues in the customs landscape, including…

Our Latin America Employment and Compensation Team is pleased to provide you with this quick guide for employers, dealing with some of the most pressing issues employers are currently faced with in light of the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Use this guide to stay informed and take action in your…