On 24 October 2022, CETESB published Board Decision No. 106/2022/P, which establishes the new procedures to be observed within the scope of administrative proceedings for issuing Technical Opinions related to contaminated areas.
The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources opened a public consultation regarding a new normative that regulates the control of corporate emissions and the management of pollutant emission credits for the Vehicle Emission Control Program’s L8 phase. The public consultation is in accordance with CONAMA Resolution No. 492/2018, which established the Proconve L7 and L8 phases, and aims to obtain input from stakeholders who will be involved in Proconve L8.
On 15 January 2021, the federal government made available on its website (https://www.gov.br/mma/pt-br/assuntos/agendaambientalurbana/ProgramaNacionaldeRecuperaodereasContaminadas.pdf) the National Program for the Recovery of Contaminated Areas, object of Ordinance MMA No. 603/2020. In summary, the program seeks to expand and consolidate data and information on key issues for the management of contaminated areas in Brazil.