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Monica Kurnatowska

Monica Kurnatowska is a partner in the Firm's London office. She focuses on employment law and has been recognised by Chambers UK as a leading lawyer in her field. Monica is a regular speaker at internal and external seminars and workshops, and has written for a number of external publications on bonus issues, atypical workers, TUPE and outsourcing.

It has been estimated that in the UK, poor mental health costs employers up to GBP 45 billion per year. While not all mental health issues lead to sickness absences, employers are increasingly recognising the importance of mental well-being for productivity, broader employee engagement, and the need to promote an open culture that breaks down the taboo on the subject.

COVID-19 has brought these issues into even sharper focus, with new challenges to mental health as a result of the lockdown, furlough, and economic insecurity. 

Baker McKenzie’s EMEA Employment and Compensation Team is pleased to provide you with this quick guide for employers, dealing with 11 of the most pressing issues employers are currently faced in light of the Coronavirus outbreak across 19 European jurisdictions. In the words of our French colleagues: “Pas de Panique”…

It has been announced that schools in Wales and Scotland are to close from Friday, and an announcement is expected today to extend the closures to English schools as well. In the meantime, more schools and nurseries faced with staff shortages are having to close their doors to some or…

In our last alert, we set out the questions that employers might want to consider in formulating their own procedures in response to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Since then, the virus has spread to over 50 countries worldwide and here, we provide answers to some of the questions employers…

Baker McKenzie’s EMEA Employment and Compensation Team is pleased to provide you with this quick guide for employers, dealing with 11 of the most pressing issues employers are currently faced in light of the Coronavirus outbreak across 19 European jurisdictions. In the words of our French colleagues: “Pas de Panique”…