One of the most important issues that arises in any M&A transaction from a compensation perspective is the treatment of stock options, restricted stock, restricted stock units (RSUs) or other compensatory equity awards, whether vested or unvested, held by executives and other employees in the transaction. Below is a high-level…
Narendra Acharya
BrowsingNarendra Acharya focuses his practice on matters relating to US and international employee benefits and executive compensation — including global stock plans and pensions, as well as matters pertaining to pensions, executive compensation and employment issues in mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Acharya has particular expertise dealing with cross-border compensation issues, including issues raised in corporate reorganizations and inversion transactions. Mr. Acharya has been selected as a BTI Client Service All Star, which recognizes "innovative attorneys who are leveraging market changes to stand out with corporate counsel and deliver superior client service."