REGULATION Nr. 1/2018 List of personal data processing activities that must be subject to a Data Protection Impact Assessment (“DPIA”) The CNPD (Portuguese Data Protection National Commission), as the Portuguese supervisory authority, has approved Regulation nr. 1/2018 (“Regulation”), pursuant to Articles 35, no. 4 and 57, no. 1, k) of…
The Council of Ministers recently approved Draft law n.º 67/2018 that will ensure the implementation of the GDPR in Portugal.
Preventive and repressive measures against money laundering and terrorist funding entered in force last September, 17 by means of Law no. 83/2017, of August 18. Some of the measures within a pack of prevention and repression were forecast for regulation.
After seven years the Portuguese Data Protection Authority has now revised a decision on the maximum period of retention of the personal data resulting from call recordings.
On August 24, 2017 an ordinance was published which created a Working Group with the purpose of preparing the Portuguese legislation for the application of the new General Data Protection Regulation.
The availability of the Electronic Complaints Book has been made compulsory for essential public service providers since July 1st and shall also be mandatory, from July 1st, 2018, for all suppliers of goods and service providers who carry out their activity either through a physical establishment open to the public or through digital means.
There are currently two draft law combating money laundering under final stages of discussion in the Portuguese Parliament and are expected to be approved in the near future.
On October 23, 2015, the Portuguese Data Protection Authority issued a statement on transfers of personal data to the US which invalidated the European Commission decision 2000/520 / EC (Safe Harbor Decision),
The Portuguese Parliament recently enacted Law 30/2015, of 22 April, aiming to comply with the recommendations addressed to Portugal on corruption by GRECO, UN and OECD, making amendments to the Criminal Code, the law on crimes of responsibility of political offices and high public offices (Law 34/87), the law relating…
The Portuguese Data Protection Authority (“CNPD”) approved, on October 28th 2014, an official guideline nº. 7680/2014, which establishes the general principles in respect of the processing of personal data as a result of the use of geolocation devices in a working environment. This guideline intends to impose several obligations to…