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Roger Thomi

Roger Thomi is a counsel in the Antitrust & Competition Practice Group and in the Commercial Practice Group in Zurich. He has extensive experience in his area of expertise and focuses on all aspects of competition law and commercial law, particularly distribution law and product regulatory compliance. The Legal 500 ranked Roger as a “Rising Star" in competition law who is "highly qualified," "pro-active" and "delivering high-quality and practical advice within a short time."

As a result of the extraordinary situation resulting from the spread of COVID-19 in Switzerland, the Executive Board of the Federal Procurement Conference (FPC) has issued recommendations for the public procurement of goods and services and contractual matters during the current COVID-19 crisis. The main goal is to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Swiss economy from a public procurement perspective.

The recommendations are valid during the exceptional situation as defined in the COVID-19-Ordinance 2 on measures to combat the coronavirus (SR 818.101.24) and for six months after the end of the exceptional situation.

However, owing to federalism, procurement law is not uniform. The recommendations of the FPC are not legally binding and, thus, the cantons may deviate from them.