This publication features the latest Employment developments in Italy, including updates in relation to whistleblowing, electric cars, relocation of employees and more.
On 15 July 2023 the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority issued the new interpretative Guidelines of Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, implementing the EU Whistleblowing Directive. The new Guidelines aim at providing practical guidance to those employers that, pursuant to the new law, are now required to implement their own internal reporting channels.
On March 15, the Law Decree No. 24/2023 (so-called “Whistleblowing” decree) has been published in the Italian Official Gazette. The decree enhances the principles of transparency and accountability in reporting and applies to all private companies that (i) employ an average of more than 50 employees or (ii), regardless of the number of employees, are active in sectors deemed particularly “sensitive” or (iii) already have in place an Organizational Model for the prevention of crimes (so-called “231” model). The new decree introduces the obligation to set up adequate reporting channels and whistleblower protection systems.