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Sunny Mann


Data has gone global. Whether you’re operating in one country or worldwide you need to know the local and international rules, regulations and risks that will affect your business. We are bringing together members of our global Data Protection and Security Team from London, EU, and the US to update…

New Sentencing Guideline Following a consultation in 2018, the Sentencing Council has published a new sentencing guideline to come into effect on 1 October 2019 that will apply to sentences decided on or after that date. This new “General guideline” will apply to the sentencing of organisations and adult individuals.…

Introduction Following the recent third rejection of the Brexit withdrawal agreement in the UK Parliament, a no-deal Brexit remains firmly on the agenda. This alert sets out some of the main sanctions and export controls issues arising from a no-deal Brexit which are likely to impact upon companies operating in…

October 2018 The state of United States (US), European Union (EU), and other sanctions regimes is in flux like never before, with significant implications for Middle East trade and finance. US sanctions against Iran are increasing following the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal (the 2016 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)),…