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Anti-Bribery and Corruption


Having not secured a deferred prosecution agreement in respect of U.K. Bribery Act offences since 2021 and having been rocked by a series of shortcomings regarding its investigation and prosecution of cases, the SFO has arguably been at its lowest ebb.

The speed and volume of change in the crypto asset markets has accelerated across the globe, with established financial institutions increasingly entering the sector whilst regulators look to keep pace. Recent high-profile developments and market volatility have led to growing calls for scrutiny and regulatory controls. Navigating this fast paced environment, within a sometimes disjointed regulatory framework, can be challenging. The Crypto Boot Camp 2022 Series covers the crypto ecosystem and integrating crypto into established financial systems (recordings available), crypto risk (3 November 2022), NFTs (15 November 2022), DeFi (1 December 2022), and Growth in Crypto (6 December 2022).

We are pleased to announce that Baker McKenzie has published the FY23 edition of Directors Duties in Australia. This is a timely guide for directors of Australian companies, setting out pivotal issues for directors to consider in the current evolving corporate governance environment. Matters covered in the guide include common law and statutory duties, financial reporting, continuous disclosure, financial assistance, directors’ insurance and indemnities and other topical issues including climate change, cyber security and anti-bribery and corruption.

For all current and potential investors in a country, understanding the legislation, the system, the guarantees and other nuances of local regulations is important, especially as the legal framework is constantly evolving. This is why Estudio Echecopar, member firm of Baker & McKenzie International, has put together Doing Business in Peru 2022, a handbook that offers find useful and current information related to the legal framework that every investor must take into account to operate in the country.

Does your company not want to default on the implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive? Then do not wait any longer to start planning your organization’s whistleblowing regime. We have prepared a multijurisdictional analysis matrix covering five key areas with respect to whistleblowing laws in the form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire covers questions about the directive’s scope and implementation requirements for internal procedures, protection of whistleblowers and data privacy issues.