With the steady increase of global regulation and enforcement across all industries in today’s commercial world, the conduct by companies of independent and credible internal investigations is swiftly being recognised as a standalone area of expertise
This article provides a brief overview of the recent anti-corruption developments in the Asia-Pacific region in the first…
The tables summarize the main topics of the antitrust and competition laws in Asia Pacific. For more information,…
Baker & McKenzie has published its 2015 Asia Pacific Antitrust & Competition Law Guidebook. The Guidebook brings together a summary of commentary on competition laws from 13 Asia Pacific jurisdictions: Countries included in the Guidebook Australia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Since releasing…
In a noteworthy trend picked-up by Trace International’s Global Enforcement Report, in 2014 non-U.S. enforcement actions concerning bribery of…
We asked Mini vandePol (Head of the Baker & McKenzie Global and Asia-Pacific Compliance Practice Group) and Joanna Ludlam…
The anti-corruption legal regime in India has always been oriented towards targeting the demand side of corruption. The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (‘PoCA’) focuses primarily on prohibiting corrupt acts by public servants. While bribe givers are also covered within the law by reliance on provisions such as abetment /…
We rarely think about emergencies before they arrive on our doorstep. Yet, the recent civil unrest in Baltimore…
Effectively managing corporate compliance efforts in today’s regulatory environment–preventing corporate officers and employee from engaging in illegal practices,…
Various countries and their compliance-enforcing agencies request that companies have “adequate” compliance programs and organizations. But what does that mean? One option to determine whether a compliance program and organization is adequate is to compare the company’s own program and organization with the compliance efforts of other companies (industry standard).…