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On 4 December 2024, the Federal Cabinet adopted the comprehensive German National Circular Economy Strategy (NCES). The NCES bundles all of Germany’s goals and measures on the path to a holistic circular economy with the “Circularity Made in Germany” seal. The implementation of the NCES includes the following: The establishment of a circular economy platform involving all stakeholders; the development of a Roadmap 2030 to concretize the goals and measures formulated in the NCES; the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system as well as resolutions on financing. The initiative offers numerous opportunities for companies to make their business models and production processes more sustainable.

On 23 December 2024, Canada’s Competition Bureau published draft guidelines concerning environmental claims and compliance with the Competition Act (the “Act”) for public consultation. Updated guidance on environmental claims has been much anticipated following recent amendments to the Act that explicitly prohibit greenwashing as a form of deceptive marketing.

The European Accessibility Act is a directive aimed at improving the accessibility of products and services for people with disabilities across the European Union. It establishes common accessibility requirements for a wide range of products and services provided to consumers to ensure that people with disabilities have better access to digital and physical environments, thereby promoting their inclusion and participation in society.

With its preliminary ruling of 28 November 2024, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has set clear limits to Germany’s special approach of exempting self-consumption facilities (Kundenanlagen) from grid regulation. Self-consumption facilities not only comprise facilities generating energy for self-consumption, but also facilities for supplying energy to adjacent customers without using the public grid. The ECJ’s reasoning is likely to have general consequences for decentralized supply concepts (at least for the supply of third parties other than the operator of the generating installation), e.g., in commercial and industrial parks.

After months of negotiations, Indonesia and Japan signed a mutual recognition agreement for bilateral carbon trading (MRA) on 18 October 2024. The MRA, which came into effect on 28 October 2024, is expected to support Indonesia and Japan to meet their climate change mitigation efforts, and also to draw investors into the carbon sector for both countries.

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has announced that it is holding a public consultation on the draft Code of Conduct (Best Practice) for Internet Messaging Service Providers and Social Media Service Providers (“Draft Code of Conduct”).
The objective of the public consultation is to collect public opinion on the Draft Code of Conduct, which outlines the best practices for applications service provider class licence holders who offer Internet messaging and social media services in Malaysia to address harmful online content and other relevant conduct requirements.

Acting with other US regulators, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC” or “Commission”) recently issued two consent orders (“CFTC Orders”) and filed a complaint (“CFTC Complaint”) alleging fraud and false, misleading, or inaccurate reports relating to voluntary carbon credits (“VCCs”). As noted by CFTC Director of Enforcement Ian McGinley, “[these actions] demonstrate [the CFTC’s] commitment to vigorously fight frauds in its markets, whether long-established or new and evolving, such as the carbon credit markets.” These are the first CFTC actions for fraud in the VCC market, and closely follow the CFTC’s recently published final Commission Guidance Regarding the Listing of Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivative Contracts (“Final Guidance”).

Malaysia is slated to have a comprehensive framework to regulate, implement and enforce actions/initiatives that is aimed to lead towards a low-carbon economy. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability is leading the initiative for the proposed enactment of the Climate Change Act by issuing a consultation paper to obtain comments and feedback. The introduction of a Climate Change Act is the result of Malaysia’s determination to honor its commitment under the Paris Agreement and also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Malaysia.