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Czech Republic


Countries around the globe are facing unprecedented and rapid change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government Intervention Schemes Guide provides a summary of key government intervention measures across jurisdictions around the globe in relation to: Foreign Investment Restrictions Debt Equity Taxation EU State Aid Approvals (where relevant) Read report…

On October 2, 2019, the World Trade Organization (WTO) issued an arbitration decision in European Communities and Certain Member States – Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft, WT/DS316/ARB. The decision authorizes the United States to impose $7.5 billion in tariffs on EU imports for EU subsidies to Airbus, making…

As the deadline for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU approaches, and Brexit negotiations continue, it is vital for companies to address the challenges to their business. We have identified the key areas that will be impacted by a “no-deal” Brexit and outlined recommendations of what to consider for each…