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Industrial action is on the rise throughout Europe; in this webinar we looked at the differences and similarities in the industrial action process across France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland and the UK, the potential legal remedies in each jurisdiction and the practical steps employers can take to keep the business running.

The long-awaited implementation in statutory law of the fight against medical devices and in vitro diagnosis medical devices shortages mechanism is currently being discussed in the French Parliament, in a bill containing various provisions adapting French law to European Union law on diverse topics and particularly in the field of public health.

The German Bundestag passed the German Whistleblower Protection Act on 16 December 2022. After initially not being expected to be passed this year, the bill did make it onto the agenda of the last session day of the year at short notice and was passed in a version amended by the Legal Affairs Committee (Rechtsausschuss) with the coalition’s majority. The next step is for the Bundesrat to approve the bill. However, this is not expected until the first plenary session in February 2023 at the earliest.

On 10 November 2022, the National Coordination Centre for Ethics Committees published the updated versions of the ‘Contract for the performance of clinical trials on medicines’, the ‘Contract for the performance of independent clinical trials on medicines’ and the ‘Contract for the performance of clinical investigations on medical devices that are not CE marked or CE marked but used outside their intended use’.