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On 2 May 2023, the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission issued General Resolution No. 959/2023 in order to restrict the sale of marketable securities with settlement in foreign currency for parties that hold positions in surety bonds and/or repos, regardless of the settlement currency. Likewise, settlement and clearing agents are prohibited from granting financing to the transactions mentioned above. Finally, the term of permanence in portfolio for the sale of marketable securities with settlement in foreign currency in foreign jurisdiction is modified.

On 4 May 2023, the Argentine Central Bank (ACB) issued Communication “A” 7759, whereby it amended the regulations applicable to Payment Service Providers Offering Payment Accounts (PSP). Under the Communication, the ACB established that PSPs shall not carry out or facilitate transactions involving digital assets (including crypto-assets) for their clients.

On 20 April 2023, the Central Bank of Argentina issued Communication “A” 7746 introducing modifications to the access to the foreign exchange market for the payment of certain services abroad. Communication “A” 7746 determines that the prior approval of such entity will be required to make certain payments abroad, provides a term of 180 calendar days for the sworn statements for transactions with securities, and extends the list of persons and entities that may access a special remunerated account based on the evolution of the reference exchange rate of Communication “A” 3500.