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In brief

Baker McKenzie’s EMEA Tax Practice Group presented an overview on Tax Dispute Resolution on 1 September 2020, the seventh in a series of short webinars to keep tax professionals abreast of recent developments in these less than certain times.


One way or another, all economies and industries in EMEA are impacted and the governments are in urgent need of funds to “pay” the associated bill and the announced economic and social measures.

In this session we will discuss how we expect both tax authorities and companies to react to this new situation, specifically in the tax disputes arena, covering issues such as:

·        Foreseeable higher aggressiveness in audits: In which areas and industries? Mechanisms to be used by TA as leverage/threat? Best practices to be prepared

  • Cash obtaining/retention as a guiding principle: Opportunities to better settlements versus litigation as a way to defer payments
  • Impact of new policies/structures in the defense strategy of previous years and vice versa
  • Defense strategy and risk mitigation measures to be taken
  • Expected delays in litigation and DR mechanisms: Strategies to speed-up cases

View the recorded webinar. Password: TDRWebinar.2020

Download the material.


Jana Fischer ist Partner bei Baker & McKenzie Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern mbB


Jessica is a Partner in the Tax Disputes team and an accredited CEDR accredited mediator.


Maria Kostenko is recommended by Legal 500 and International Tax Review. She participated in the legislative work of the Budget and Tax Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Prior to joining Baker McKenzie in 2001, she worked as an auditor and tax consultant at a major consulting firm and then as a deputy director of the law department in one of the main Moscow Tax Inspectorates. Maria is recognized by International Tax Review as a Leading Lawyer in their annual Women in Tax Leaders Guide (2017-2019).


Balthasar Denger is a member of Baker McKenzie's Global Tax, Transfer Pricing and Tax Dispute Resolution groups. Before joining the Firm’s Zurich office in April 2016, he served several years as Head of Tax for a global logistics company. Prior to that he worked at a law firm and a Big 4 company. Mr. Denger is an author for the IBFD Tax Portal and a lecturer for international tax and transfer pricing.


Mathieu Valeteau is an Associate in Baker McKenzie Paris office.