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Global Overview of Anti-Corruption Laws 2015

It is our pleasure to present the first edition of our Firm’s Global Overview of Anti-Bribery Laws Handbook (“Handbook”). Given the success of last year’s Overview of Anti-Bribery Laws in EMEA (below), we have now expanded our coverage to legislation and developments in 47 jurisdictions this year.

We appreciate that it is difficult for our clients as multinational companies, to navigate the frequently evolving landscape of anti-bribery and corruption laws worldwide. We are confident that this Handbook, authored by our compliance specialists around the world, together with other valued colleagues in correspondent firms, will serve in the set up of best practices for your management of risk in this area.  It offers an excellent overview of the relevant anti-bribery laws regulating domestic bribery, both private to public and private to private, along with corruption of foreign public officials, as well as practices to mitigate the criminal, administrative and reputational risks.

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