On 10 September 2018, the Philippine Competition Commission (“PCC”) issued its Guidelines on Notification of Joint Ventures (“JV Guidelines”) to aid parties in assessing whether a proposed M&A transaction would be considered a joint venture (“JV”) that is subject to mandatory notification under the Philippine Competition Act (“PCA”), and in…
On 29 October 2015, the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted its first Commercial Code. It was adopted to facilitate the implementation of the “Plan of the Nation – 100 Specific Steps to Implement the Five Institutional Reforms” and to comprehensively regulate public relations in the business environment.
On August 4 of 2015, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism filed before the Colombian Congress a bill of law “whereby rules and regulations on the protection of competition are enacted and modified”.
The Hong Kong government announced on August 6, 2015 its intention to bring Hong Kong’s new cross-sector competition regime into force on 14 December 2015 [1]. Although many businesses in Hong Kong are already reviewing their activities to ensure compliance with the new law, this announcement is a final reminder to…
On July 9th 2015, the Bulgarian Parliament adopted a package of measures aiming to combat unfair business-to-business trading practices in the retail supply chain. In parallel to modifications in food distribution regulations, the legislators also approved an amendment to the Protection of Competition Act (“PCA”), introducing new rules prohibiting “abuse…
The tables summarize the main topics of the antitrust and competition laws in Asia Pacific. For more information, visit our page “Antitrust Laws around the World”. Country Regulatory authority Key regulation Merger Control Prohibition on abuse Australia Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Yes Yes China…
Baker & McKenzie has published its 2015 Asia Pacific Antitrust & Competition Law Guidebook. The Guidebook brings together a summary of commentary on competition laws from 13 Asia Pacific jurisdictions: Countries included in the Guidebook Australia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Since releasing…