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White Collar Crime Laws Around The World

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Global Corporate Liability Handbook 2017

Building on the success of 2016’s “EMEA Corporate Liability Handbook,” we are pleased to present you with the first global edition that collates and describes in detail the corporate liability and corporate crime regimes of countries in Asia, EMEA and the Americas. With increased enforcement, international regulatory cooperation, economic activity on a global scale, and countries such as China and France passing their own laws, we felt that a global overview of the laws that affect corporations and their employees was both timely and required.

Corporate liability can be established and sanctioned at various levels — criminal, quasi-criminal (administrative) and civil — and be associated or derive from the liability of individuals who have acted in the name or on behalf of the company. Likewise, corporate liability can be established as an independent law violation or even as a crime, regardless of the commission of a separate crime by the individual.

In addition, corporate liability is a growing threat to the reputation, profit and business image of global corporations. The adoption of adequate measures to prevent corporate liability has progressively become a legal and ethical duty, similar to corporate social responsibility, which corporations are expected to assume for the benefit of their stakeholders, customers and employees.

In this Handbook, you will find detailed descriptions of the nature of liability in various jurisdictions, the consequences of breach by a company of the relevant legal provisions, and the remedies and measures that a company can adopt to limit or even exclude such liability. We have also addressed corporate liability in multinational groups and the basis for the extension of the liability to the ultimate parent company.

Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia
Japan Malaysia Myanmar Philippines
Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam
Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Czech Republic
Egypt France Germany Hungary
Italy Kazakhstan Luxembourg Netherlands
Poland Russia Saudi Arabia South Africa
Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey
Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom
Latin America
Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia
Mexico Peru Venezuela
North America
Canada United States